About Our Chapter
Libby Hicks, Penny Vaccarino, Maureen Nosal, Linda Stefanelli and several other members formed Central Jersey # 3 Girls Lacrosse Chapter in the early 1990′s.
Women’s lacrosse has been growing consistently in the Mercer County/New Jersey area since the chapter began. Currently, Central Jersey #3 has about 30 adult and 25 youth members that officiate all levels of girls’ and womens’ lacrosse throughout the region. If interested in joining our chapter, or just to learn more about the sport of women’s lacrosse, please contact Suzanne Horsley.
Officers of 2019
Lisa McCarthy // lmmccarthy6@gmail.com
Vice President
Suzanne Horsley // tshorsley@gmail.com
Kristin McCarthy //Â kristinandbill1992@gmail.com
Michael Stover
Rules Interpreter
Libby Hicks // scotney59@gmail.com
Suzanne Horsley // shorsley@gmail.com
Lisa McCarthy // lmmccarthy6@gmail.com
Dina Stoff // dinastoff@gmail.com
Youth Assignor
Brian Caudill // briancaudill@comcast.net